Lough Dan Ice Swim

Six Irish swimmers have now joined the ranks of the International Ice Swim Association.  Fergal Somerville talks to Noel McGuinness on Northside2Day about the ice swim in Lough Dan on 24th February which allowed them to qualify as members of the International Ice Swim Association.  He describes conditions on the day when a thin sheet of ice covered the water in Lough Dan.  The water temperature was 4 degrees Celsius (the rules of the International Ice Swim Association say the water temperature must be below 5C for this one mile swim).  As Fergal says, this is an extreme sport – it was the coldest water any of them had ever swum in and he describes how the cold gets into the body and the effects that are felt.  This is a personal challenge, not a race, and must be very carefully organised in all respects.  Do listen to this podcast to hear all about this amazing swim.
