Interview with Claire Shorten & Celeste Stenson

Lifeline presented by Michael Caul
Mick talks to Claire Shorten and Celeste Stenson and NCBI representative about visually impaired.

Vision, Mission and Values of the NCBI


For people who are blind and vision-impaired to have the same opportunities, rights and choices as others to fully participate in society.


To enable people who are blind and vision impaired to overcome the barriers that impede their independence and participation in society.


NCBI’s core values give effect to our vision and permeate our mission and inform all of our actions to ensure that we achieve the highest standards in everything we do.

Inclusive Approach
NCBI listens to people who use our services, staff members, volunteers and all other stakeholders and collaborates with them in the design and delivery of our services and all related activities.”

NCBI acknowledges and respects the right of people to make choices about their lives. We will do everything in our power to support people who are blind and vision impaired in exercising this right.

Openness and Accountability

NCBI carries out its work in an open manner and is accountable to all stakeholders for our actions and decisions.

Pursuit of Excellence
NCBI is committed to attaining excellence in everything we do through our policies, procedures and staff.

Sighted guide
When a person who is vision impaired requires assistance from a sighted person to move from one place to another, a popular method is the ‘sighted guide’ technique. Using this approach, the person with impaired vision holds on to the sighted person’s arm as they walk along. It is important for the sighted person to lead by walking slightly ahead. Different people will have their own preferences about how they like to be guided. This leaflet suggests some guidelines that can be helpful, but it is always best to ask individuals which method they are most comfortable with.
