Northside Today: Cyber Security at Coláiste Dhúlaigh – College of Further Education, Coolock


As schools/colleges become more dependent on technology, ransom ware attacks against schools are increasing. To help schools worldwide proactively prepare for and respond to cyber attacks, IBM announced the first eight recipients of the 2022 IBM Education Security Preparedness Grants, totaling USD$5 million in in-kind services, including $500,000 to the City of Dublin Education Training Board.  Each grant will sponsor IBM Service Corps volunteers to address the selected school districts’ cyber security resiliency.

To discuss this Donie Tarrant is joined by Elaine Hanley – Partner, IBM Security services, Blake Hodkinson – Director of Education & Training City of Dublin ETB, Gavin Harris- Computer Science Tutor Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education, Eskandar Atrakchi – Computer Science 2nd year student CDCFE and Ciaran White – computer science student CDCFE.