Gay Mitchell – By Dáil Account: Auditing of Government, Past, Present and Future

By way of a history of the Public Accounts Committee and the role of the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General, Gay Mitchell MEP shows how ethical and responsible Government, is contingent, not only on the robustness of its institutions, but also on the character of the public servants charged with ensuring that the public interest is always pre-eminent.

Highlighting values such as Good Governance, Transparency & Accountability, and Fait Value, which will probably take centre stage in the forthcoming general election campaign – Gay lays down a marker of the standard of Government Ireland deserves and needs.

By Dáil Account: Auditing of Government, Past, Present and Futurees – Publication Detail By Dáil Account: Auditing of Government, Past, Present and Future
Gay Mitchell MEP
Committee of Public Accounts
Comptroller and Auditor General