Asian Talents – Episode 1

Asian Talents, producer/presenter – Alice Chau

Asian Talents is a talk programme presented by Alice Chau, that represents the Asian community and featuring Asian people that are contributing to Ireland in their own niche.The programme is bilingual in Cantonese and English.

Asian Talents Social Media:

Facebook page:  

Twitter page:




Vicky Twomey-Lee

Episode One – (first TX -10 March 2022)
我哋第一集嘅嘉賓係Vicky,土生土長愛爾蘭第二代香港人,Irish Born Chinese 創立人。
Our first guest is Vicky Twomey-Lee!
Vicky Twomey-Lee is an Irish born Chinese girl, a coder, a tech event organiser and advocate of diversity in tech. She is heavily involved with the Irish tech community in her free time, an example of her dedication includes recent international awards for over 10 years contribution to the Python community from Python Software Foundation and The EuroPython Society.  She understands Hakka even though she can’t speak it fluently, and she can speak Cantonese fluently (as well as an overseas Chinese person can without being laughed at too much). She’s been teaching herself to read and write Traditional Chinese for many, many years. Limerick did not have any Chinese schools when she was a kid.  She wants to foster a community of peers like herself and the next generations of Irish Chinese (including friends and allies of course) to share their experiences, to learn more about their Chinese heritage and culture, and make new friends and connections. You can find her at:
Website: Twitter:

Irish Born Chinese Facebook Group

All the links!