NearBy Business 16th September 2021

To begin …. The NearBy Business Newsdesk with Declan and Dave where we  discuss some of  todays business headlines……

In the business of this week…it’s the business of direct marketing…Johnny Coghlan from Ireland’s oldest b2b data company, The Bill Moss Partnership, joins Dave to talk about whats happening in their sector

After that David Bell from the HR Department is here for our regular look at HR issues. This week…with the return to  the office for those who have been working remotely beginning from next Monday the 20th…Declan chats to him about what employers need to do in advance of that return….

Then Paul Allen of Paul Allen & Associates PR will join Dave for a general discussion on the economy, including Brexit and what the outlook for the next few months looks like

Finally…In our weekly radio Column this week Jenny Tyrell looks at the €1 billion Celtic Interconnector project being undertaken by EirGrid….

If you would like to contact the show get in touch anytime on twitter……. 


