‘Talkin’ About Neurodegeneration’ – Presented by Karen Meenan 19 – 07 – 2021

Mike Hanrahan, of Stockton’s Wing fame, wrote a song ‘A River Rolls On’ for his mother Mary who had Vascular Dementia for seven years.  Poignantly, Mary died on the same day this song was launched, 28th May 2021, with all her family around her, the song playing in the background.  Mike shares his story with three Brain Health experts from the Global Brain Health Institute; Associate Professor Roman Romero Ortuno, Magda Kaczmarska and Dr Dana Walrath.  All four guests share amazing stories about living and working with people who have dementia, with a brilliant soundtrack including Johnny Nash, Benny Goodman, Julie Feeney and of course the new song ‘A River Rolls On’ which has the Forget-Me-Nots choir as backing singers.  All proceeds are being donated to The Alzheimer Society of Ireland to fund more dementia-inclusive creative arts projects.