Week in Review 8th May 2021

First up the local stories with Ken…. Dublin’s Lord Mayor’s Youth Award Goes to Cork…. EPA to review the Clonshaugh Water works…….the DAA sales get grounded along with everything else at the airport…….A Photobook for mental health is launched…..A Clontarf Mum with MS set to take on the May 50K challenge…..and finally…..More coffee please…..

Ross Curran from the Arts Council gives Ken a lesson on Creative schools week…then Sarah is along with the local events taking place over the next few days….

….and IBEC Director of Membership and Sectors Sharon Higgins will join me to chat about the fantastic TY Talks event…

Finally, I will let you know about Jobs and Volunteering opportunities that are available locally..I’ll take these from the activelink.ie website where there are literally hundreds of opportunities.

@nearfm      @declanralph        #weekinreview
