NearBy Business 22nd April 2021

To begin with the NearBy Business Newsdesk with Declan and Dave where we will discuss some of the todays business headlines……

In the business of this week…a look back at another business that we have visited in the past…this week its the business of Website Design and Dave’s visit to see Will Quigley of Trinity 7 in Ashbourne….

In our weekly radio Column this week Jenny Tyrell looks at the recent merger of two Irish pharmacy buying groups….

After that economist Alan McQuaid will be here for a chat with Dave about what the future holds for businesses as the economy begins to reopen..

Finally Liane O’Leary from the HR Department is here for our regular look at HR issues. This week…a look at the new ”Right to disconnect” code of practice……

If you would like to contact the show at anytime……. 


