NearBy Business: 12th March 2020

To begin with…Declan and Dave will discuss some of the todays business headlines from the local and national papers……

This week in the business of …it’s the Business of in-bound tourism with Noel Carroll of Carrolls Tours….he talks to Declan about the current challenges in the tourism business and about the longer outlook for his business and that industry in general…

Well…. There’s no St Patricks Day parade this year…so we thought for our radio column this week we would look back at some St Patricks Day parades over the years in Ireland…

David Bell from the HR Department will here after that for our regular look at HR issues. This week…. a look at how to recruit the best talent for your business in the year ahead..

Finally, we will catch up with Oisin Geoghan from The Fingal Local Enterprise Office to hear how Enterprise week went off last week  ….. 

Now if you would like to get involved in the discussion or comment on any of the stories…………. you can contact the show at  anytime on twitter……. 

