Enviro: 9th March 2020

On This edition of Enviro:

Tony Lowes of Friends of the Irish Environment spoke about the environmental dangers of fracking worldwide and the proposed storage of large quantity of liquid gas off the south west coast of Ireland and how the Friends of the Irish  Environment are resisting this trend legally in the national and international courts.

History Slot

Students from abroad are VERY CURIOUS ABOUT IRISH HISTORY AND CULTURE AND SOMETIMES IT IS DIFFICULT TO KNOW WHERE TO START. Irish History is very varied and here is one historical reference for starters  which helps to tell the history of the times. .

  • The famous Battle of Glenmalure in 1580, an Irish Catholic force made up of Gaelic clans from the Wicklow Mountains, led by Fiach McHugh O’Byrne, defeated an English army under Lord Grey. The fighting took place at the O’Byrne mountain stronghold in Glenmalure.
  • on January 6th 1592 Red Hugh O’Donnell of Donegal and Art and Henry O’Neill of Tyrone escaped from Dublin Castle where they were being held captive. They travelled south to the safety of Glenmalure in the Dublin Mountains. The mountains were snow clad and Art O’Neill died during the escape from frostbite. Hugh O’Donnell and Henry O’Neill reached Glenmalure. Fiach McHugh O’Byrne arranged for their safe return to Donegal and Tyrone.
  • O’Byrne was betrayed by one of his own clan. He was captured and executed.’The ballad Follow me up to Carlow’ tells the tale of one of O’Byrne’s exploits.

Producer/presenter: John Haughton

Panellist: Joe Dunne

Student visitors: Jan and Margaux interns with Forest Friends Ireland.

Broadcast: 09/03/2020