Enviro: 24th February 2020

On this edition of Enviro:

Donna Cooney Dublin City Councillor and member of Green party Dublin Bay North Talks to the Enviro Team about the recent decision by and Bord Pleanala to grant planning permission for extensive residential development on playing fields formerly part of St. Anne’s Park Raheny Dublin in spite of extensive representations from elected representatives and the public.

5G There are grave concerns worldwide about the health risks from 5G A Belgian government minister has announced that Brussels is halting its 5G plans — at least for now — due to concerns about health effects.

The herbicide dicamba A jury ruled over the weekend that the agrichemical corporations Bayer and BASF should pay $250 million in punitive damages and $15 million in compensatory damages to farmer Bill Bader.

SUVS rainforest destruction Electric vehicles are stealth rainforest killers.

Presenter/Producer John Haughton

Panellist Joe Dunne

Guest-phone interview Donna Cooney

Broadcast: 24/02/2020