Near By Business 19 – 09 – 2019

First up Declan and Dave will discuss some of the todays business headlines from the local and national papers………


In the “business of “this week… it’s the business of Mulch….. John McGuiness of the award winning and locally based Mulch Company will be here to tell us about their exciting business plans……


David bell from the HR Department will be here for his regular look at HR issues. This week….a look at how employers can help working parents with all the stress of September.…


Finally, Ronan Crinion from in Drumcondra joins us for an update on the latest commercial and domestic property values on the Northside of the city…. …..


Now if you would like to get involved in the discussion or comment on any of the stories…………. you can contact the show at anytime on twitter…….



