Enviro: 9th September 2019

On this edition of Enviro:

The team covered a wide range of topics including:

  • World Rhino Day is on September 22nd
  • AIB has  become the first Irish bank to sign up to UN sustainability programme
    • see report in Sunday Independent 8/9/19
  • Norway is the first country in the world to ban deforestation
  • Parts of Africa, Indonesia and other parts of South America are burning uncontrollably.
  • Enviro pointed out that President Trump is opening Tongass National Forest, the world’s largest intact temperate rainforest and home to 800-year-old trees to logging and mining
  • On September 20 – three days before the United Nations holds a climate summit for world leaders in New York City, people of all ages will walk out of their schools and workplaces to take action in the streets. Young people have been leading this organizing around the globe, and say that together we’re demanding urgent, transformative action to address the climate crisis.
  • Greta Thunberg, 16years old, started missing school on Fridays a year ago to protest outside the Swedish parliament, sparking a global climate strike movement known as Fridays for Future. She was joined by 14-year-old New Yorker Alexandria Villasenor who began picketing outside the United Nations in New York.
    • A couple of hundred other young protesters supported them with signs that read slogans like“If you won’t act like adults, we will “we are unstoppable “sea levels are rising and so are we.” And some wearing T-shirts with slogans like   “In Greta we trust”  Greta will speak at the 23 climate summit during the annual gathering of world leaders for the U.N. General Assembly. Greta said: “Everyone who cares about our future should join and strike on 20 and 27 September.” She intends to attend the 25th United Nations Climate Change conference in Santiago, Chile, in December 2019,