Enviro: 2nd September 2019

On this edition of Enviro:

Adrienne Diamond and Graham Robertson, Leitrim residents, spoke about their opposition to the huge windmill stacks that COILLTE want to erect on Croagh mountain. Justin Warlock, a local councillor spoke about the environmental damage the forestry monoculture plantations are  doing in Leitrim.

  • Croagh wind farm: Having seriously damaged Leitrim and many other areas in Ireland with the monoculture Sitka Spruce plantations, Coillte are now leaders in wind farm developments. They plan to erect giant wind turbines on Corry Mountain on the Sligo Leitrim border a highly scenic area which boasts of Lough Gill, and many other scenic attractions of this Yeats region.. The development includes 10  168 m. Turbines which are 65% taller than those existing in the Arigna area. Local residents and local tourism groups maintain that this development is objectionable on the basis of height, flicker noise and the effect on a largely unspoiled landscape.  (See report in the Irish Times 21 August 2019)

Producer/Presenter: John Haughton

Panellist: Joe Dunne