NearBy Business: 09/05/2019

In a moment Declan looks at some of the todays business headlines from the local and national papers………

In the “business of “ this week… it’s the business of Beer…Dave went along recently to the Hope Brewery located at Howth Junction and we’ll hear shortly how he got with the owners of the business Des McSwiggan and Wim de Jongh…..

David bell from the HR Department will be here after that for his regular look at HR issues. This week….. how to collaborate your way to Productivity Optimisation ……

In our regular weekly slot – Taking Care of Business with Conor Phillips – we peek under the covers at the data you share online and ask if we need the new data privacy regulation GDPR.

Finally, a chat with Michael Boylan who is an experienced procurement and category manager about passing on the skills of his trade to the next generation through the formal education process….

Now if you would like to get involved in the discussion or comment on any of the stories…………. you can contact the show anytime on twitter……. 

