Gaelscoil Bharra – Inniu agus inné


Gaelscoil Bharra – Inniu agus inné documents the highs and lows of Gaelscoile Bharra and the local Irish speaking community of Cabra. By talking to those involved over the years since the school was not more than a pipe dream of a small group of committed language activists.  Down through the years when in poor conditions the school managed to deliver into the community hundreds of young (and old) new Irish speakers. And looking into the future with a brand new state of the art school that will keep contributing to the revival of the Irish language and general renaissance of the area. The programme highlights the role Gaelscoile Bharra has played in the revival of Cabra as a culturally rich and unique Dublin community.

Gaelscoil Bharra – Inniu agus inné. Ins an clár seo cuireann sé síos ar na h-amannaí maithe agus olca I bhfás agus fobairt Gaelscoil Bharra agus pobal teanga na  Gaeilge anseo I gCabrach. Fríd an clár seo labhair muid leo siúd a bhí ag tróid ar son cearta teanga an phobail agus an broinglóid a bhí acu. Fríd na bliantaí agus fiú droch stád na scoile thug pobal Gaeilge na scoile an tenga ar ais do na gnáth daoine, idir  óg agus aosta le í a iompar ar aghaidh glúin eile. Ag amharc romhain agus an todchaí atá ag fanacht linn, tá scoil úr nua anseo i gcroí lár an phobail réidh lenár dteanga a iompar ar aghaidh agus seo a dhéanamh le cuidiú ón phobal uilig. Cuireann an clár seo síos ar an dóigh a dtug Gaelscoil Bharra seasamh ar leith don teanga agus an cultúr Gaelach anseo I gCabrach

Gaelscoil Bharra is supported by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland Sound and Vision scheme with the television licence fee.