The Arts Show with Writer Paula Lonergan


Maura Walsh chats to Writer Paula Lonergan ahead of her production ‘The Plot’ which runs from 5th- 9th February at The New Theatre, Dublin

The Plot uncovers some chilling truths about Ireland’s past and present. The play was inspired by the Suicide Plot at Clonliffe Crossroads near Paula’s home in the North Inner City. It’s a supernatural story based on the history of Cilín graves in Ireland.  These graves are found across Ireland and have many stories and secrets of society’s so-called ‘outcasts’ buried within. The play touches on themes of suicide, identity, homelessness, asylum and other big stories of our time.

A discussion on our collective past and our collective ability to bury the things we cannot face and how it reflects and affects our present.

With dark humour and a re-telling of ancient myth, the play suggests that the darkness can be overcome when we are courageous enough to look it in the eye.

Paula has toured extensively. Since returning to Dublin she’s written, performed in and produced many theatrical pieces.

Original score for cello and voice written by Mary Barnecutt (Mary and The Pigeons, Lach na hEala)

Artwork featured on the poster is by Galway artist, Miriam de Búrca

