Playwright Lorna Kelly-Dalton Talks About Her Play “Lean On Me”

On Lifeline, Michael Hennessy chats to playwright Lorna Kelly-Dalton about her play “Lean On Me” which is showing in The Whale Theater, in Greystones, Co. Wicklow on September the 22nd 2018 and in The Millbank Theater in Rush, Co. Dublin on September the 28th 2018, with other upcoming listings on her Quill Productions Facebook page.

The play is about different characters in a group therapy setting and is superbly entertaining. Lorna was also interviewed on Dramatic Dublin on 90.3 NEAR FM,  by Ally MacCarvill which is also available as a separate podcast.

Presenter: Michael Hennessy

Interviewee: Lorna Kelly-Dalton

Broadcast: September the 19th 2018
