Interview with Ciaran Murray, Near FM, in relation to his interview with Eamon O’Cuiv.

Ciaran Murray drops in to chat to Donie about his recent interview with Eamon O’Cuiv T.D. in which they discuss Eamon DeValera’s surrender in 1916, why he wasn’t executed, and how an enduring friendship developed with the British arresting officer.

Eamon O’Cuiv talks about his grandfather’s surrender to Captain Hitzen in Boland’s Mills at the end of the 1916 Easter Rising.    He explains why Dev was brought to the Townhall in Ballsbridge, and kept there, and how this delayed his arrival in Richmond Barracks.    He tells the story of how contact developed between DeValera and Captain Hitzen, and how they became friends.

Ciaran also talks briefly about the three part series “Dublin and the Great War” which concluded recordings last night.
