Donate your Unwanted First Holy Communion and Confirmation Wear!

Listen to George Jacob of Gorta Self Help Africa talking to Noel McGuinness about donating unwanted First Holy Communion and Confirmation wear. George says that recent studies show that the average Irish family will spend far in excess of €500 to prepare their son and daughter for these landmark occasions. However, people shouldn’t need to pay big sums of money on an outfit that a child might wear just the one time and Gorta Self Help Africa is appealing to families to donate unwanted First Holy Communion and Confirmation wear this spring so that it can sell suits and dresses to its customers at a fraction of the price.
Not only can this save people hundreds of euro in costs but also the funds raised from the re-sale of these clothes are donated directly to the agricultural development projects of Gorta Self Help Africa and help end hunger and poverty in some of Africa’s poorest people. To find out more contact (01) 677 8880.
