In Our Own Voices II- Part1″The Carer” presented by Hazel Abdulla

The Roles of the Older Woman

In Our Own Voices II is a series of 7 programmes produced by members of the Older Women’s Network, a national organisation with local branches throughout the country. OWN’s mission  is to address issues affecting older women in Ireland. The 7 programmes are presented by members of the Network with the assistance of a Production Supervisor from Near90fm

Strand one focuses on the roles of the older woman as professional Carer, and as a Community Volunteer.

Programme One: The Carer

Older women have traditionally assumed caring roles whether in the home or in society at large. Today more than ever the role of the carer has taken on a greater importance as the population ages and there is a huge demand on our health services. The role of the carer is central to the delivery of health services and is the most important point of contact between health service providers such as the HSE and the public. This programme examines the diverse nature of the role of the Carer outside the home.

Participants include Sr Joan Lyon and members of staff at St Gabriel’s Nursing Home, Edenmore, Raheny.
