Communicating Europe Debate 2015


As part of the Communicating Europe initiative, Near FM held a live panel discussion from Coolock Library on Wed May 13th.

The facilitated discussion featured a Q&A from a live audience and centered on topics such as the value of the EU in our lives, the direction of the EU and employment opportunities for young people.

The discussion is facilitated by Declan Ralph who presents The Week in Review every Saturday @ 12.30pm on Near FM.

The panelists are:

Lynn Boylan – MEP for Dublin
Ms Lorraine Gilligan – Manager Youth and Adult Education – Léargas
Paul Ginnell (Policy Adviser) – European Anti Poverty network
Rónán Patrick Burtenshaw – Freelance Journalist and a member of the Irish Congress of Trade Union Youth Committee (ICTU)
Gianluca Avagnina – Journalist and a final year Journalism student in DCU

This panel discussion is supported by the Communicating Europe Initiative

