MSF in South Sudan

Jane-Ann McKenna, Director, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) talks to Noel McGuinness about the current crisis in South Sudan.  Despite the ceasefire in the region there has been an increase in violence during the last few weeks.  As a result MSF have had to evacuate their medical facility in Leer where they have worked for the last twenty five years.  People, including some who were seriously injured, fled into the bush for safety.  Jane-Ann says that the longer they live out in the open without adequate food, clean water or shelter, the more vulnerable they become to disease outbreaks and malnutrition. 


MSF is an impartial, voluntary organisation who works without the protection of any security force to provide medical care to people who are victims of conflict,natural disasters or oppression.  Worldwide thirty thousand local staff assist in their work.  For more information visit
