Older people and people who are long-term isolating in Dublin City can have a selection of library books, audiobooks or DVDs delivered to their doorstep https://www.dublincity.ie/ga/node/7684
An interview with DCC’s Sculpture Dublin about a public consultation on local sculptures including one in St. Anne’s Park where a land artwork is being commissioned. We would love to hear your thoughts on public sculpture, what your expectations are and how…
As part of our 25 years of Near FM, we hear from Coolock man Brendan Teeling. Ciarán Murray reminisces with Brendan about his time with Near FM back in the pre-license days of the 1980s and the campaign to get official recognition.…
George Mulcahy is joined Live on the phone by June Tinsley, Head of Advocacy at National Council for the Blind where they chat about the challenges faced by those with impaired vision during Covid and ways the public can help.
Labhair Antaine Mac Mathúna le Darren Mac an Phríora maidir le hainmniú ceantair chónaithe nua in Éirinn agus an easpa ainmneacha Gaeilge a bhíonn orthu go minic.
On September 14th, 1607 Hugh O’Neill, Earl of Tyrone, and Rory O’Donnell, Earl of Tyrconnell left Ireland’s shores for good. The event is commonly known as The Flight of the Earls and those who took part in the flight became known as…
The Future of Media Commission was set-up by the Taoiseach to look at the future of public service broadcasting in Ireland. The findings of this commission will be significant for community radios and Jack Byrne, the chairperson of Craol, the Community Radio Forum,…
International Writers Network. Date: Tuesday 5th January 2021 In this hour we can grasp wisdom and wit from our exceptional guests! Their determination to write as they perfect their craft is motivating and exhilarating. Relax and savour every minute! SPECIAL GUESTS 1.…
International Writers Network Date: Tuesday 19th January 2021 Prepare yourself to laugh, cry and wonder with our special guests! They are from different walks of life but their words enter into your inner most soul challenging, encouraging yet inspiring. SPECIAL GUESTS 1.…