Anthony catches up with Paul Caffrey where they discuss Isolation, Election in the land of the brave and free and Living not by Lies…all from a Biblical perspective and with the help of Johnny Cash.
From Belfast homeless rebel to leader of both Solid Rock Church and Evangelical Alliance Ireland Nick gives us a helicopter view of church growtchrish in Ireland. Van the man gets to wrap it up with a classic too.
Northside Today: John Healy Speaks with Lisa Nic An Bhreithimh, European Movement Ireland will be discussing how EM Ireland’s nominees have been shortlisted for the 2020 Women of Europe awards for their Memory Haven app. which they developed.
John Fitzgibbon talks to Debbie McMahon about how Vitamin D might help to prevent Covid-19 especially in people who have a deficiency. John will talk about why we are not getting enough Vitamin D and about the immune system.
Dr Bruce Miller, co-director of the Global Brain Health Institute chats to Frances Elliott about Emotions and the Brain. The seven universal emotions in humans are Anger, Fear, Disgust, Happiness, Contempt, Sadness and Surprise. It’s no understatement to say that 2020 was…
A report on Rediscovery Centre Ballymun. Centre Director of the centre talks about their planned events for Science Festival called” Lets Talk Science Festival” The centre is hosting a free program of events and a free competition for one lucky school class.
Ciaran Murray interviews Jane Ohlmeyer to get her views on Brexit and challenges facing collaborations in education and civic society on both sides of the Irish border and UK/EU. Jane is the Chair of the Irish Research Council and Erasmus Smith’s Professor…