“Dulaigh Unlocked” Produced by Roisin Moore, a podcast production series from 2nd year journalist students in aid of Colaiste Dulaigh and their post primary 50th year anniversary about the education hub
On the show Patrick was joined by Shelbourne manager Ian Morris who joined us to discuss his sides hopes for the resumption of the league of Ireland season. Broadcast: 23/07/2020
th On this edition of Northside Today: Paul D’Arcy joins Johnny to talk about Fingal’s Dublin Plein Air Painting Festival in its 4th year. Broadcast: 23/07/2020
On this edition of Northside Today: Lorcan Scott from Heritage Council joins Johnny to speak about the stfor children across the Country to showcase local heritage. Broadcast: 23/07/2020
On this edition of Northside Today: Miriam Burke, Rollercoaster Editor & Mother-to-be joins Johnny to discuss the need for a one-off extension to maternity leave and pay for women who have been on maternity leave since the pandemic lockdown. Broadcast: 23/07/2020
Cushla Dromgool-Regan, (Education Programme Manager & Communications Lead), Marine Institute Explorers Programme joins Johnny to talk about Summer Teachers Training Courses 2020. Broadcast: 23/07/2020
On this edition of Lifeline: Catherine McNicolas Director of Pharmacy Services with HealthWave talks to Karl Fenlon about “Pillpods” and what they are. Broadcast: 23/07/2020
On this edition of Lifeline: Maurice O’ Conner with Kilkenny Today talks to Abraham Allen & Ron Evans from Blood Bikes South East about the services they offer. Broadcast: 22/07/2020
On this edition of Lifeline: Debbie speaks to Mark Walsh, Emotional Intelligence Specialist about how you can empower your mind and life to help deal with everyday stress in our lives. Broadcast: 22/07/2020
Tune in for another unique hour with amazing Writers sharing their experiences and insights on the art of writing for self-development and poetry. This weeks guests included: Author, Pat Howe Writer/poet, Naoimh Veidge The Theme of the week is Love
1963 was the year JFK visited Ireland – guests Helen Barrett and Declan Gannon both remember waving wildly at the cavalcade on Queen Street, Clonmel and North Circular Road, Dublin. Surfin’ USA was the best selling song around the world that year…