Karina Guinan Mc Cabes Pharmacy

Debbie McMahon speaks with Karina from McCabes pharmacy for the monthly update on whats available from McCabes pharmacy. Today Karina speaks about Seasonal Affective Disorder & about glasses that can help this disorder. Also what’s available for Valentines day.

Fresh Start Coolock

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks with David from fresh start about the open day which is taking place Tuesday 2nd February 2016 from 11.30am till 12.30pm, about the courses that are available & helping people to gain confidence to get back in to…

Saving Dylan

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks to Dylan’s father Alan about his son Dylan’s story. Dylan has a condition called MSD , he is trying to raise funds to find a cure as currently there is no cure, nor is there any treatment to…

First Fortnight

On Lifeline Presenter Leslie Murphy interviews the Organiser and Commerical Director for First Fortnight Steve Cummins. First Fortnight is a charity-based organisation with the express aim of challenging mental health prejudice through the creative arts. We believe the arts allow us to…

H.P.V. Vaccination

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks to Keiva Murphy the mother of a teenager who received the HPV vaccination. She talks about the effects from having the vaccination has had on her daughters life & how sick she has become since receiving the HPV…

Lifeline 7/1/2016

Nwabuogo Enwerem aka Ogo on Lifeline Listen to this encouraging and informative and heart-warming interview with Sarah Vard Sarah Vard is from Anam Cara Parental and Sibling Bereavement Support chats to Ogo about their work, 20th of January event in Applewood Swords,…