First Light

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks to Louise from First Light which is a charity that offers Bereavement support and promotes research into the sudden, unexpected death of a child or a young person.


Debbie Mc Mahon speaks to Tighearnan Noonan & Rachel Batty from Lámh committee talking about mental health awareness week in January & they they want to encourage community groups & schools in the area to get involved & organise something as part…

Irish Lung Fibrosis Association

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks to Nicola Cassidy from the Irish Lung Fibrosis Association about the help that they offer to people who have being diagnosed with this condition & Dermot King who is an idiopathic fibrosis patient talks about how he copes…

Irish Guide Dogs

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks to puppy walker supervisor Stephen Kelly from The Irish guide dogs. The Irish guide dogs are looking for people to train & take dogs in to their home to give them a start before they go on to…

Arthritis Ireland

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks to Grainne O’Leary from Arthritis Ireland about a special information evening ,’Living with Gout’ on Wednesday 23rd November 2016 in the Radisson Blu st. Helen’s hotel in Blackrock & also about the work they do in Arthritis Ireland.

Lauralynn Children’s Hospice

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks to Sarah o’ Callaghan who is head of marketing & communications with the Lauralynn children’s hospice about the Christmas tree light ceremony taking place Sunday November 27th 2016 & also about the charity itself & the work they…

Linda Sheridan

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks to Linda Sheridan about the remembrance service which is taking place in the Unitarian church in Stephens Green on the 18th November at 8pm. Also about the Christmas appeal that is taking place in the Front Lounge on…

Irish Hospice Foundation

Debbie Mc Mahon speaks to Helen Mc Veigh from the fundraising department of the Irish Hospice Foundation. Helen speaks about their mission to achieve dignity, comfort and choice for all people facing the end of life. She talks about the fundraising events…