Writer’s Block 22/5/15

Morgan O Reilly chats to Near FM’s very own Inaki Irigoien about his upcoming series, Poetic Lives; a Near FM exclusive which biographically documents the lives of 6 very different migrants from the homelands to Ireland, all through the medium of poetry (1…

Cover to Cover 15th April 2015

In this weeks show Roisin Ni Ghairbhi discusses her biography of William Pearse, brother of Patrick, and the ’16 lives’ series,  biographies of the lives of those executed after Easter 1916. Bob Johnson talks about the ‘Gutter Bookshop’ latest award and the…

cover to cover 1st May 2015

Michael Sharp reviews ‘Ten Football Matches That Changed The World’ while guest Connor Farrelly gives a fresh opinion on ‘The Commitments’. Joe Collins talks about the latest 1916 commemorative poetry and literary offerings.

cover to cover 3rd April

Joe Collins has the 6th class of ‘North Bay Educate Together’ school in studio to review their Book Club choice, ‘ A Monster Calls’. Also in studio American poet Bill Dorris talks about his life and poetry.

Paula Meehan – Chair of Poetry

Ahead of her visit to Minnesota to be presented with the O’Shaughnessy Award for Poetry from the University of St Thomas in the city of St Paul, Northside Dublin poet Paula Meehan used the Near FM studio facility to chat live to Minnesota…