Between the Lines: 26/02/11

The morning after, with some votes still being counted accross the country, it was clear the political landscape had changed. In studio to discuss the outcome were presenter Ger Dorgan, and presenters, (today as members of the panel), Bronwen Maher, Austin McCoy…

Dublin North-Central Election Special 2011

On Tuesday 15 February near90fm broadcast the election debate for Dublin North-Central. Naoise O Muiri´- Fine Gael, Donna Cooney-Green Party, Finian McGrath- Independent, John Lyons- United Left Allliance, Helen McCormack- Sinn Féin, Sean Haughey- Fianna Fail, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin- Labour Party, Richard…

Ar Muin Na Muice 7th Feb 2011

Ceoldráma nuachumtha ar siúl i nDún Droma ag an deireadh seachtaine. Tá mic léinn ó Choláiste Oideachais Froebel ag cur an ceoldráma ‘Baile Ban and Beyond’ ar an ardán in The Mill Theatre, i nDún Droma ón 12-14 Feabhra. San agallamh seo…