Get on your Bike

On the Occasion of the opening of a New Mountain Bike Trail ,Ronnie O Brien speaks with DAITHI de Forge ,recreation Manager with Coillte,about this wonder full new Facility and thre possible Benefits to the IRISH Economy


Declan Keaveney of AMEN talks with “Ronnie o Brien “on the subject of Male Victims of Domestic Violence. Mr Keaveney can also be contacted privately.


Ronnie o Brien talks to Ann Heelan ,Director of the Association for Higher Education Access and Disablity,about the progress being made in the Education system regarding the Intergration with a Disability

Cooperation Ireland Maracycle 2011

Terry O’Neill, Event Manager, Cooperation Ireland tells Noel McGuinness on Northside Today about the Cooperation Ireland Maracycle that will take place on 25th/26th June 2011.  This two-day 200+ mile cycle will commence in Dublin after a 12 year absence and up to…

Between the Lines: 23/05/2011

Enda Roche is joined in the studio by Sinéad Seery of the Labour Party, Martin O’Sullivan (People Before Profit), ex PD and regular contributor Keith Redmond and Freelance journalist Ultan Monahan   Topics discussed were female quotas for political parties, the Queen’s…

Intercultural Update Week 2

Grace Wilentz, Nearfm s newest and brightest Intercultural star Co-ordinator giving an update on the Intercultural Dialogue through the Community Media project and  the progress leading up to the training of week 2. The Intercultural Dialogue through Community Media project is co-financed…

Between the Lines: 15/05/2011

Presenter Dermot Brangan was joined in the studio by long term Anti-war activist/campaigner Mark Price (Irish Anti-War Steering Committee), retired British lecturer in Art History John Molyneux, Anti-war activist/campaigner Memet Uludag and Ciaron O’ Reily. The Irish Anti-War Movement The Afri annual…